August is Make-A-Will Month, serving as a crucial reminder for individuals to create or update their wills. Surprisingly, only one-third of U.S. adults currently have a will, often citing time constraints or a perceived lack of necessity. However, regardless of one’s wealth or assets, having a will is essential for every adult. 

Your will is a powerful document that ensures your assets are distributed according to your wishes. It provides clarity and guidance for your family during a challenging time, offering peace of mind and stability. Essentially, it allows you to leave a lasting impact on everything and everyone you care about. 

The Power of Planned Giving 

Beyond personal benefits, a will is also a potent tool for leaving a legacy and supporting causes dear to your heart. Through planned giving, such as leaving a gift to a nonprofit in your will, you can continue to influence and contribute to your community even after your lifetime. These gifts can include cash, real estate, stocks, or a percentage of your estate, making a significant and lasting impact. 

Why Consider the Otsego Community Foundation? 

The Otsego Community Foundation is a trusted partner in our community, ensuring enduring support for future generations. By including the OCF in your will, you align yourself with a committed partner dedicated to understanding and addressing community needs. Whether you wish to support general community efforts or specific causes like education, the arts, or the environment, the OCF offers flexible giving options to match your philanthropic goals. 

Join the Legacy Society 

By choosing to support the OCF through planned giving, you become part of our Legacy Society—a generous and visionary group of individuals and families who have committed to sustaining the OCF’s impact over time. This community of like-minded donors shares a vision for building a stronger and more vibrant community, both now and in the future. 

How to Get Started 

If you wish to explore planned giving options or to learn more about joining the OCF Legacy Society, please contact Dana Bensinger at or visit our website here.