As part of our 30th Anniversary celebration, former OCF board members convened on August 21st at Jay’s Headwaters Room. Former board members whose service ranged from 1994 to 2020 shared their memories of the past and hopes for the future of the OCF and Otsego County. We would not be the organization we are today without the dedication of these community leaders who shepherded the OCF through some challenging and hopeful times. To quote Mason Buckingham, who was on the original board, in 1994, the community foundation was “a wish.”  

As part of our continued mission to inform and engage our board members of the needs of our community, we awarded a real-time, community driven grant during the event. The former board members voted for Otsego Career Access Network (OCAN) to receive a $1,000 grant.  

Thank you to all our board members, past and present!